
Who doesn't love all things beautiful.

The majority of my christmas presents this year were books and I couldn't have been happier (thank you boys).

My most beautiful, gorgeous, love every single page, hug when you're done reading kinda books.

From top to bottom:

1. Cupcakes and cashmere- a little bit of everything (mostly style I would say)
2. A year of mornings- explained here better than I ever could
3. Domino- The book of decorating
4. Beyond Snapshots- tips and images of realife photography
5. Style- I love me some LC
6. Visual Poetry- just that, tips, advice and images
7. Bloom- If you haven't read it, drop everything, run out and get it. right. this. second. I will easily read it over and over for the rest of my life. read sample here
8. Mazrazzi- filled with lovely images and tips

My favorite by leaps and bounds is Bloom. Amazing story, changed the way I look and feel about life in general. The book is beautiful, the pages, the paper it's printed on, I mean everything about it.

hello.....hello ... echo..... echo.....
I would love for you to post below and share your most favorite beautiful book(s) maybe they will become mine too.


  1. The other day I pulled Bloom off my book shelf and opening it made me cry. It truly does forever change your perspective. I think if you re-read it during different times in your life you would 'hear' things differently everytime. I recently ordered a very rare piece on Mothering that made me think of you....perhaps a borrow? xoxo

  2. oooh, please share the title. I will google.

    With Bloom I completely agree. It is so raw and honest that captivates me. It just gives you strength.

    (I am also wanting Ms. Alba's book once released)


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